Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Learning Lesson Download

Learning Lesson Download klik here

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Education Games

so that learning becomes more interesting, sometimes we have to insert a game that is educational.

this game is required from the role of the students that the goal of the game this can be achieved.

following are examples of educational games

Search for Jodoh
• Make a short sentence relating to the lesson material that will be provided, for example: Building Shared Concern. I made as many as half of the number of participants, if the 20 people, must be provided 10 sentences.
• Pecahlah sentence into two parts and written in the paper, a paper containing the sentence "Building Together" and a paper containing the words "Concern."
• Gulunglah second paper containing any posts earlier.
• Share of paper - paper that has been prepared tergulung as the number of participants (if participants whimsical, one pair with the self)
• Ask participants to unroll the paper - and to read the contents of the piece is not complete sentences.
• Ask participants to explore their spouses - each sentence so that it becomes complete.
• Ask each pair up and discuss the meaning of this expression.
• Ask participants to gather again and ask each pair to introduce spouses and sentences to convey meaning the other participants

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Education Games 2

1. Calculating Backward
In support of the study groups in the middle of the community or students, we already assume that the ordinary people or students are just recipients of information, and the grantor or not source information. Change the habit or way of approach that has been long we have, is difficult. We usually use our glasses. We use language, symbols, images, information and technology come from the 'culture' we. We do not consider what the difficulties experienced by students or the community to accept the things that are not usual for them. In fact, the program that we developed according to assessed need glasses or student community, based on what they need, in a way that they readily accepted.
Step - step:
• Ask participants to stand mambentuk a circle. Each participant in the turns from 1 to 50 (or a number of participants)
• calculate the time, ask participants to meet the rules: each number 'seven' or 'multiplier of seven, the number was not mentioned, but replaced with the hand.
• If there is one participant who perform tasks, then the game starts from the beginning.
• After 3 - 4 round, the game finished stage 1
• Games phase - 2 starts the same way as above, but hitungannya starting from the back 50 to hold the number 1. Regulations also apply the same, namely the number 'seven' or number 'seven multiplier', numbers that are not mentioned, but replaced with the hand.
• After the round, 3-4, the game finished.
• Ask participants to discuss: (1) Which is better many errors occurred, 1 way or 2 way? (2) Why? (3) Approximately, what relationship is this game the way we work in study groups or in the middle - the middle of our society (whether simple approach to changing habits of the top from the bottom)

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Education Games 3

Sculpture statue
This game can be used to bring the man that can not be formed in such a way by other people.
Step - step:
• Ask some participants to come forward;
• Ask one person to become a sculptor, the other one into the statue itself.
• Request for the sculptor made the statue began to work in accordance with the desires in a way to guide the position of the head, feet, hands, body patungnya (eg right hand up, left hand holding the head, right knee rest on the floor, heads turn to the left, etc. )
• Request a statue to obey all the positions requested by the engraver (during the process, carver and sculpture can not speak each other)
• Once completed, ask questions to the engraver: What makes the statue according menyenagkan own desires?
• Ask the question to the engraver: Is menyenagkan to be formed in such a way by other people?
• Then discuss with the participants: What is human can be formed in such a way by other people? Whether the child - the child can be? What can adults? Participant feedback on how this game?

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Education Games 4

Heavy blow (The Great Wind blows)

Icebreaker is a strategy that is made quickly to make the participants laugh exercise moves. Strategy is a way to build a good team and make the participants more about one another.
• Arrange chairs in a circle. Ask participants to sit in a chair that has been provided.
• Explain the rules to the game, for the first round will act as the wind.
• Guide as the wind will say 'the wind blow to the use - for example: glasses' (if there are some participants wearing glasses).
• Participants who wear glasses should move seats, as the wind took pemadu snatch seats.
• There will be a participant before the fight seats, not kebagian seat. This is the person who replaces as the wind.
• Make the second round, and so on. Each round of the act should be said as the wind 'to blow the wind ... ... ... .... (according to the characteristics of participants, for example: blue shirt, black shoes, etc.)

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Education Games 5

Throwing spidol

This game aims to spark the atmosphere and stiffness between participants and between participants and the guide itself. Lessons that can be quoted from this game is the need to be careful and quick response.
• Ask all participants stood in front of the free seats each.
• Ask participants clap when you throw spidol to the air, and when you catch spidol again with the hand, all participants are asked to stop immediately and clap. Repeat for several times.
• Repeat the process to-2 with the extra addition to clap also hum. (Mutter): "Mmmmm ....".
• Repeat the process to-3 this several times, and each time was faster gerakannya, and then end with a anti-climax: spidol you do not dilambungkan, but only such as hand toss akan melambungkannya up (gerk gimmick that quickly!). observed: whether the participants clap their hands and mumble or not?
• Ask for feedback and impressions, and discuss and analyze together and simpulkan.

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Education Games 6


Useful for this game warm atmosphere and form a working atmosphere in the team.
• Explain the rules to this game
• Share participant in the 5-6 group, which is a group consisting of 6 persons.
• Ask each - each group to make a circle and one member from each group to stand in the middle - the middle group.
• Katakana that mnguji this game for us, whether among friends in the group to trust OUR TEAM WORK. That stands in the center must close his eyes, covered with cloth, then throw themselves freely kea rah anywhere.
• The friends group in a circle and must be responsible for the safety of a friend in the middle before, because this game can be - can take akan victim, if the tenagh sink in to him he should be ready and responsible for holding and threw it to a friend other. So on, and ask who is in the middle of speaking with the turns

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Internet & Education

"In a number of internet cafes in Jakarta known, dozens of student groups to meet almost every day cafe to play games online, and even have students who are truant school hobby for the channel in the virtual world is."

a cafe owner in Jakarta, confirming the number of students in subject areas that are currently addicted online game, Facebook, and Friendster in the virtual world."
"Facebook Makes Students Lazzy"

Studdent User must be careful! According to studies conducted by Ohio State University, the more often you use Facebook, the less time you learn and the more less values of your subjects in school.
"Be careful, the 600 million Intai Student Sex Site!"

At least 600 million pornography sites and sex at this time the student spy internet users. Therefore, there must be control of the internet.
"Consumption of Children's Television Broadcast, Internet, Cellular Telephone and should be reduced"

"General Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Seto Mulyadi ask the parents to reduce the habit of television children watch, access the Internet and mobile phone use.

Many students are regular remove too much time playing games, such as Play Station and Games Online. This time should be used to increase the capacity of schools repeat the lesson. For students or parents who are responsible we need to restrict or monitor the time our children play games or access the Internet.