"In a number of internet cafes in Jakarta known, dozens of student groups to meet almost every day cafe to play games online, and even have students who are truant school hobby for the channel in the virtual world is."
a cafe owner in Jakarta, confirming the number of students in subject areas that are currently addicted online game, Facebook, and Friendster in the virtual world."
"Facebook Makes Students Lazzy"
Studdent User must be careful! According to studies conducted by Ohio State University, the more often you use Facebook, the less time you learn and the more less values of your subjects in school.
"Be careful, the 600 million Intai Student Sex Site!"
At least 600 million pornography sites and sex at this time the student spy internet users. Therefore, there must be control of the internet.
"Consumption of Children's Television Broadcast, Internet, Cellular Telephone and should be reduced"
"General Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) Seto Mulyadi ask the parents to reduce the habit of television children watch, access the Internet and mobile phone use.
Many students are regular remove too much time playing games, such as Play Station and Games Online. This time should be used to increase the capacity of schools repeat the lesson. For students or parents who are responsible we need to restrict or monitor the time our children play games or access the Internet.
Senin, 01 Juni 2009
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